Easter brings hope, new life and new beginnings...
It seems that death surrounds us. Almost 200 million children are in danger of starvation in Africa. About 250 died in a recent landslide in Bogota, Colombia. In Russia, 10 died in a metro blast. Two have died in a storm in Louisiana. Recent memory includes Tennessee wildfires, and photos showing countless dead in the streets in Aleppo. And none of these examples include recent or pending funerals in your own life.
As world news swirls around us, St. James joins countless other churches that observe Holy Week. It begins on Palm Sunday, April 9th (8 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.). Then on Thursday, April 13 at 7 p.m. we hear God’s words of forgiveness and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Good Friday (April 14 at 7 p.m.) takes us to Jesus’ death on the cross, including the account of those who denied him, betrayed him and ran away.
Why all this darkness while society prepares with flowers, chocolate and Easter bunnies?
It is Easter that brings hope, new life and new beginnings. It is a reminder that death never has the last word. And we are even reminded that God is with us in the midst of any loss or tragedy.

God bless – and hope to see you soon.