Audit Team
Three members elected by council to review and end-of-year financial records for descreprencies. Oversee and conduct the annual audit of the congregational funds. The audit team performs an annual audit of the congregation's financial accounts and certifies their integrity to the Council, the Synod and the ELCA.
Congregational Council
Twelve elected members of the congregation are responsible for oversight of all activities and worship life of the congregation. The council oversees that everything is done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Synod Assembly
With the pastor and diaconal minister, represent St. James at the annual assembly of the Southeastern PA Synod.
Endowment Fund Team
This committee overseas the management of St. James' endowment funds and investments in accordance prescribed bylaws.
Personnel Team
This committee overseas all matters pertaining to the Pastor and staff.
Finance Team
This committee is responsible for fiscal planning, budget and administration of financial programs for the congregation. Meets periodically throughout the year.
To participate, please call or email Sherry Clancy 610-326-2810.
Property Team
Join the team that coordinates the property and clean-up days. Meets the second Saturday of the month at 8:30am.
Stewardship Team
Join this team that encourages the congregation to joyfully and prayerfully share their gifts of the Spirit. The team promotes stewardship of time, talent and treasure through organizing events, programs and commitment Sundays promoting stewardship throughout the year. To participate, please call or email Pastor Kay 610-326-2810.