Important announcement:
The Parking Lot service will be held at 9:00 AM. This time change took place earlier than planned due to complicated logistics for staff and parking lot use.
Also, Sunday Zoom Gathering will go back to its previous time of 11:00 AM.
Attached you will find the bulletin for Sunday, February 27, the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Prayers for These Days, March 1-7, as prepared by Pastor Kay are also attached.
Sunday, February 27 – two services:
9:00 AM – Parking Lot service - Please follow established guidelines for outdoor worship.
10:00 AM – in the Sanctuary. MASK NOTICE: At the February meeting of Church Council, it was decided that mask-wearing for worship is optional.
Assisting Ministers – Lector: John Ungerman; Chalice Bearers: Diane Mitchell, Wendy Cocci.
This service will be live-streamed. You do not need a Facebook account to access the service. It will remain on Facebook to watch at any time. Please see attachment for instructions to access the service on Facebook Live.
The Altar Flowers are presented to the Glory of God by David and Annette Renn in memory of Annette’s mother, Virginia Reber.
St. James Sunday Morning Virtual Gathering via Zoom
Time: 11:00 AM
Three ways to join!
1) Join Zoom Meeting via computer:
Select "Join via Video" if it asks. And choose "Join by computer audio" if it asks! The most common issue I see is people having trouble with their audio. Do a test meeting ahead of time to see if your speakers and microphone work!
or 2) Join via the Zoom app on your tablet or smartphone. Use meeting ID: 218 495 365, Password: 19464
or 3) Or you can dial from a regular telephone (we'll just hear your voice but won't be able to see you!) Dial 929-205-6099,
Meeting ID 218 495 365, Password: 19464