God doesn't make Junk...

You matter! If you absorb nothing else ... remember that you matter! I read long ago that God doesn't make junk! You're a single mom? Meet our folks who love kids ...you are not alone. You don't want to miss your smoke? Our exits are marked with ash catchers. God angers you? I've been there! Our building may not be your cup of tea. So where would you rather engage conversation? We are not a dour place ....folks giggle at my mistakes and laugh at every third joke. We share talents, wanna-be talents as guffaws at our talent showcase. Feb. 26...12pm to 2pm. We engage children in Choir and Bible stories. Yours are welcome! Love, justice and forgiveness are our primary themes. Wherever you are ... however you define yourself. You matter. Let's talk! Peace to you, PKAY