There's a Wocket in my Pocket!

There's a Wocket in My Pocket" – Luke 8:26-39
Seuss' book talks about impossible things in a house as well as things the character is scared of. The scripture story is about a man possessed with demons, forced to live chained up in a cave.
The dark, the bats, the solitude – the moisture makes you bonkers.
Like going to sleep at the Jersey Shore and waking up in Yonkers.
Folks say, "Have faith. God's with you now and forever."
But mental illness takes a toll – it seems connections sever.
It isolates and turns you in to someone you don't know.
It's oh so hard to see some hope, all wrapped up in a bow.
There is a guy, lives in a cave, some people think he's lazy.
He wears no clothes, he's all chained up … many call him crazy.
It means he has to live alone. Considered dangerous, just toss him a bone.
No hope for healing, out of sight out of mind.
Til Jesus shows up and is caring and kind.
Want to read more? Contact Pastor Kay Braun